RVT offer a range of personal and environmental monitoring equipment; designed to ensure that noise, dust and vibration levels remain within pre-defined limits.
Equipment RangeMachinery such as breakers, pneumatic tools, generators and demolition equipment can easily breach the maximum noise levels defined by the HSE and/ or local councils. Site activities can also generate a lot of dust and vibration, especially when there is demolition work being undertaken. Contractors therefore need to measure noise, dust and vibration levels to ensure that they are not negatively impacting on those living or working nearby
Monitoring noise, dust and vibrations levels is the only way to prove to local authorities that you are remaining within the specified limits. Failure to prove that local authority restrictions/ regulatory requirements are being adhered to, could result in works being stopped until the contractor can prove that they have put adequate control measures in place.
RVT believe that there are three easy steps to achieve effective monitoring;
4 types of monitoring; Noise, Dust, Gas and Vibration
Many of our monitoring systems are cloud based, saving you time and hassle by enabling you to retreive data remotely at any time
Ideal for monitoring gases in tunnels, dust levels in senstive areas, noise in residential areas and more.
RVT's Monitex range is highly reliable, providing accurate readings as frequently as every second.
In addition to static units, RVT offer an easy-to-use hand held units for both dust and noise monitoring
RVT's gas monitors will sound a very loud alarm (95dBA) when you are approaching dangerous exposure limits as defined by COSHH regulations
RVT's noise monitors will quickly alert you by email or text, when noise levels reach a dangerous level; usually above 85dB
All RVT products are fully approved to European standards and hold third party certification
“This is the first time I have done business with the RVT Group and based on the experience it will not be the last if I need to hire portable dust extraction equipment again.”
Please keep hold of a copy and give us a call should you need anything.