RVT Group believes every site worker deserves to go home to their family and live a long and happy life.

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Fume Extraction Equipment

Chemical reactions, including oxidation and thermal breakdown, produce hazardous solid particles known as fumes. Many on-site workers deal with excessive welding, paint, chemical and diesel exhaust fumes that can jeopardise their short and long-term health. At RVT Group, welding and paint fumes are the most common we encounter in client interactions. The former has detrimental effects on workers’ eyes and skin. When working in confined spaces, the risk of asphyxiation increases. In extreme cases, welding fumes can cause lung cancer. Conversely, paint fumes can irritate the eyes and skin and cause long-term health issues affecting the nervous system, kidneys, and liver. Our effective fume extraction systems play a crucial role in preserving workers’ health and ensuring a smooth and seamless project.

RVT Group is a trusted partner to thousands of companies around the world in maintaining a safe working environment. For example we have collaborated with various shipyards with fume extraction systems being using for hot works, including oxy cutting, welding and grinding etc, as well as paint fumes extraction and filtration using activated carbon.

We lease out state-of-the-art Ravex equipment that is tailored specifically to your project and designed to remove harmful fumes, gases, and particulates in industrial and manufacturing settings.

Our exceptional fume extraction system range includes the following:

  • Welding fume extraction system

  • Fume extraction kits

  • Fume filtration kits

Fume Control FAQ's

Learn More About Fume Control

Where will I find on-site fumes?

Up to 1.2 million Australian workers are exposed to dangerous diesel exhaust fumes annually. Sources of toxic fumes include the following:

  • Diesel vehicles

  • Equipment (including construction site plants, forklifts, lorries and tractors, and fixed-power sources)

  • Fixed power sources (compressors, generators, and power plants).

What are the health risks associated with fumes?

The severity of the health risks associated with fumes depends on two factors: toxin concentration and exposure duration. Mild cases include nausea and eye or skin irritation. However, extreme cases can include cancer and even death. Even in low-concentration settings, frequent annual exposure increases the risks of developing serious ailments.

What are WELs?

Workforce Exposure Limits (WELs) are regulatory limits on the amount of a hazardous substance at a worksite.

Employers must implement sufficient industrial fume extraction systems to keep fumes within recommended WEL levels.

What is a carcinogenic fume?

Carcinogenic fumes either cause or encourage the growth of cancer cells. Using equipment with an efficient fume extraction system design helps prevent carcinogenic fumes from reaching dangerous levels on your worksite.

Is it possible to extract flammable fumes?

Yes, it’s possible to extract flammable fumes. However, the type of fume extraction system will depend on the situation.

For example, the extraction unit must have the relevant certification class if you need to use equipment within a Atex-related hazardous rated area. Otherwise, you can use a non-Atex hazardous area rated centrifugal fan.

You can safely use centrifugal fans to extract volatile fumes because the motor sits outside the airflow.

Can I extract hot works fumes/sparks?

Yes. Metal-bladed centrifugal fans can effectively extract heat and sparks. If there is a risk of inhaling fumes or sparks, we strongly recommend fitting a spark extractor to the fume extraction system’s intake.

What is a carbon filter?

A carbon air filter (or activated charcoal air filter) is a device consisting of treated charcoal. It kickstarts adsorption, where molecules chemically react to the treated charcoal and eliminate airborne contamination. Employers use carbon air filters to remove gases and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from their worksites.

We Provide Premium Fume Extraction Solutions to Our Clients

At RVT Group, we are committed to keeping your workforce and environment safe for the long term. We offer exceptional underground air ventilation systems, noise control solutions, exhaust fume extraction systems, silica dust control systems, and climate control systems to clients spanning many industries across Australia. With our expertise, you can rest assured that you are in good hands.

Call us today at 1300 086 248 to discuss your fume extraction system requirements. One of our team members will gladly assist you.

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