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Welding Fume: Frequently Encountered – Not to be Underestimated

A 2019 study found that welders present, on average, a 43% increased risk of lung cancer.

Welding is used in many industries. Some welders are skilled professionals who spend most of their working days doing nothing but welding; others are non-specialists for whom welding may be only an occasional task. All of them, though, need to be aware of the risks that go with welding.These are not just the obvious hazards associated with welding work, such as very high temperatures and electricity, but also the harmful effects of breathing in fume produced during welding.

In this whitepaper, you will find:

  • Welding Fume Facts
  • The Components of Welding Fume
  • The Health Risks of Welding Fume
  • Employer Responsibilities
  • Details of Welding Fume Control
  • The Benefits of Fume Extraction

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