RVT Group is the leading specialists in health hazard control on site in Australia. We apply our expertise to make sure those onsite, and nearby, are properly protected.
19th October 2021Do you prefer to work with hire partners who offer high quality equipment, exceptional expertise and outstanding service? Then RVT is the perfect supply chain partner for you!
We specialise in hazard control solutions that are fully compliant with legislation and offer next day delivery and installation. Our responsive customer service team is always on hand to help and you have full access to technical support.
Our products and solutions keep you and your workers safe and healthy...while also helping the business to stay on track with budget.
Barhale Holdings plc: "RVT has always been a valuable ally, providing technical support, visiting the site when required and supplying equipment for bespoke solutions matching health and safety standards."
We at the RVT Group genuinely care for people's lives...and it is our vision to achieve a world where the impact of site work on life and health is effectively ZERO.
Learn more about RVT Group by visiting our website: rvtgroup.com.au
Please keep hold of a copy and give us a call should you need anything.