Crystalline Silica and other hazardous dust exposure is the top cause of lung disease in the construction industry. The Dustex Wandafilter captures all types of hazardous dust, protecting your workers and the environment.
19th October 2021According to The Cancer Council, over 5000 Australian's are diagnosed each year with lung cancer. This is a direct result of being exposed to harmful substances in their workplace.
The number one cause is dust (particularly Crystalline Silica particles) which are found in stone materials, concrete, bricks, and many other construction products.
The Dustex Wandafilta is a filtration system designed specifically for dust applications.
First in line, you have a pre-filter that will catch all the larger particles and debris. This can be cleaned with water and re-used.
The secondary filter will capture all your fine particulates.
And finally, we have the HEPA 13 filter, which at 99.97% capture is considered more or less a total filter.
You will often see these used in works such as a refurbishment of an old building or similar where there is dust created along with dangerous mould spores and diesel engine particulates.
This filtration system will capture all these hazards in the air. The Wandafilta is normally coupled with an extraction fan, ducting and a capture hood. Along with filtration, air changes are a critical part of creating a safe working environment.
The Public Health authority in the UK published findings that a single air change is estimated to remove 63% of airborne contaminants, and then after five air changes, less than 1% of the original airborne contamination is thought to remain.
In addition to dust, we have a range of different filter options for odour and fume control. Some typical applications would be painting, fibreglass or waterproofing membrane tasks.
Please keep hold of a copy and give us a call should you need anything.