Worksafe Australia statistics reveal that hazardous levels of carcinogenic diesel particulate matter jeopardises the health of 1.2 million Australian workers annually. Forklift, truck, generator and compressor operators, and others, can have their health jeopardised, particularly if they work in confined areas such as shafts and basements. These workers could experience everything from minor eye, nose, throat, or lung ailments to more serious issues, such as bladder or lung cancer, or even asphyxiation. Unfortunately, many serious health issues manifest themselves ten to thirty years after the workers were exposed. These days it is a non-negotiable - project managers need to prioritise effective exhaust extraction equipment to preserve workers’ health and well-being.
RVT Group provides diesel exhaust extraction equipment to Australian clients across various industries. Our company’s trusted exhaust fume extraction equipment has helped clients establish safe, hazard-free workplace environments.
Our exhaust fume extraction system solutions protect workers’ health and help ensure a healthier project by monitoring diesel particulate, reducing diesel emissions by 99%, and alerting clients should any issues arise.
Our state-of-the-art RAVEX exhaust fume extraction equipment range includes the following:
RVT Group previously collaborated with EPTEC, which maintains Sydney’s train network. EPTEC scheduled a weekend shutdown of Town Hall station to ensure ongoing rail maintenance. Our hazard control solutions successfully managed the health risks associated with this project.
RVT Group’s robust exhaust fume extraction equipment and ventilation system ducted hazardous diesel particulate matter through the train tunnel during the project. The on-site hazard control solutions effectively managed underground health hazards from activities relating to abrasive blasting, diesel generators, and compressors.
Learn More About Exhaust Fumes
Diesel engine exhaust emissions (DEEEs) are a complex combination of gases, vapours, light aerosols, and particulate matter. These components, which are combustion products, can cause health issues, including eye irritation and lung and bladder cancer.
RVT Group provides high-quality underground air ventilation systems, noise control solutions, fume extraction systems, silica dust control systems, and climate control systems for long-term hire to large-scale Australian projects.
Please call us at 1300 086 248 or book a free consultation to discuss your unique hazard control requirements.
Please keep hold of a copy and give us a call should you need anything.