Case Study Overview

This client is currently in the demolition stages of their private property renovation in East Brisbane, approached RVT Group needing assistance controlling and extracting dust during floor tile removal and floor grinding.

The homeowners remained living in the upstairs area of the property during the renovation process. They were however concerned about silica dust exposure during the renovation work. They were also worried about the risk of the hazardous dust migrating into their living zones. A solution was needed to capture and filter the dust and prevent it from spreading.


Crystalline Silica can be found in a very high percentage of construction materials. Concrete, bricks, tiles, mortar, and engineered stone all can contain elements of Silica — cutting, grinding, sanding, drilling or demolishing products that contain silica can generate respirable particles of crystalline silica dust, that can be breathed in and is very harmful to your lungs.

The dust was effectively captured at the source by the powerful DUSTEX Raptor Pro, and the silica exposure risk was removed. Dust migration to other areas of the home was also prevented.


A Raptor Pro unit was used onsite for the entire duration of the tile removal process. The Raptor Pro is a self-contained mobile dust filtration unit. Its design allows it to work with the highest level of HEPA Filter Dust Extractors.

DUSTEX Raptor Pro
Click on the image to organise your free 3-day trial of the Raptor Pro

With the capture hood placed as close as possible to the dust's source, it could easily capture the dust hazardous dust and filter it. There was no dust migration to the other areas of the home, and the silica hazard was removed.


Private Residential Renovation


East Brisbane

Products Used